Blog 1: Country of capitalism

Hi people, I wanted to talk about a dream that I have since I was taught about capitalism at school, that's right, I'm talking about traveling to the United States hahaha, I would love to visit the most famous cities, like New York, Hollywood, Washington, Texas , Las Vegas, Florida, California, Los Angeles and many other cities, each one with a characteristic that differentiates them from the others. I am very interested in knowing this country, you can find everything here, basically the American dream.

My greatest desires would be to get to know New York and Hollywood, the first because it is such a characteristic city and different from any other, and the second because it is the city of movies, which are my biggest hobby. Also there are several cities with attractions such as Orlando where Disney World is located or Washington to visit the White House. I also like the culture they have, especially food, I'm a fan of hamburgers and pizza hahaha, another thing that interests me is finding famous people on the street, from what I've seen on the internet, it's normal to find someone famous walking or in a restaurant, hopefully it's true.

Bye people, see you another time


  1. Hi! I would very much like to visit USA, I like the idea of the American dream and find famous anywhere :D


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